Clinical Practice Update Conference


Clinical Practice Update is an online 3-days conference that provides a comprehensive review of recent advances in the management of acute and chronic medical illnesses. The conference content is designed to be practical, focused, and relevant to the physician’s day-to-day practice in patient management at ambulatory care settings. Distinctive speakers have been chosen to present in the conference. The scientific content of the conference is provided via lectures, workshops, and open discussions in an advanced platform of virtual training and education.

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* Conference: 20,21 September 2020 [Accredited with 18 CME Hours], [Registration for the conference is only permitted for: physician, Residents, Nurse, Dentist, MLT, Pharmacist, OT, Intern, and students]

* Workshop: 22 September 2020 [Accredited with 8 CME Hours] , [Registration for the workshop is only permitted for: physician, Nurse, Dentist, Intern, and students]

To obtain CME credits you need to attend the conference live.


Conference Objectives:
- Update participants in the latest advances in acute and chronic conditions management
- Discussion of different case scenarios and clinical presentations
- Review of latest pharmacotherapy and nonpharmacological treatment modalities
- Interpretation of common lab findings and management approach

الموضوع الرئيسي

Conference themes:
- Communication
- Chronic disease management
- Acute illness approach
- Mental disease management

المستهدفين :

Resident / Fellow
Clinical Laboratory Sciences
Student / Intern
Nursing and Midwifery
Dentistry and Related Specialties
Occupational Therapy



230 SR

Conference fee for Student [20,21/9/2020]

345 SR

Conference fee for All health care providers [20,21/9/2020]

100 SR

Workshop 1 [Only permitted for: physician, Nurse, Dentist, Intern, and students]

100 SR

Workshop 2 [Only permitted for: physician, Nurse, Dentist, Intern, and students]

راجع سياسات التسجيل والإلغاء والمبالغ المستردة

معلومات الاتصال

المنظم : Virtual Medical Academy
الهاتف : 920008161
الايميل : [email protected]

Different Price By Specialty

  • الأحد  20  سبتمبر  2020   الى   الثلاثاء  22  سبتمبر  2020
  • 05:00 مساءاً  الى  11:00 مساءاً
  • الشهادة متاحة
  • SCFHS 18 CME hour
  • اونلاين اضغط هنا
  • 571