Tips & Tricks in Giving Feedback


This lecture provides faculty and resident supervisors with the knowledge and skills they need to provide effective feedback to a learner, whether in the laboratory, classroom or clinic. Without effective feedback, mistakes go uncorrected and good performance is not reinforced. In this workshop, you will observe and identify both poor feedback performance and effective feedback skills in lively demonstrations. You will learn about common barriers to providing feedback and how to surmount them, and tips for giving feedback to your students, residents, postdoctoral fellows, and other trainees.

You can join and gain knowledge from this session for free. You also have the option to pay SR 86.25 to upgrade for some additional benefits. When you upgrade you will receive a certificate of achievement if you attend the session live.


By the end of the session, learners will be able to:
1- Identify when, where, and how to provide feedback
2- Identify the barriers to providing feedback

الموضوع الرئيسي

An online session, aiming to help the target audience to develop a better understanding of the topic.

المستهدفين :

كل التخصصات الصحية



سعر الفعالية


سعر الشهادة

86.25 ريال

الشهادة مع الساعات CME

راجع سياسات التسجيل والإلغاء والمبالغ المستردة

معلومات الاتصال

المنظم : Virtual Medical Academy
الهاتف : 920008161
الايميل : [email protected]


  • السبت  4  سبتمبر  2021   الى   السبت  4  سبتمبر  2021
  • 09:00 مساءاً  الى  10:00 مساءاً
  • الشهادة متاحة
  • SCHFS 3 CME hour
  • اونلاين
  • 536
  • PLUS