3rd Infection Control Updates Conference


The 3rd Infection Control Update Conferences provides an opportunity for healthcare professionals to share their experiences, and learn from experts in the field. It is a gathering of healthcare professionals, researchers, policymakers, and other stakeholders who are interested in preventing the spread of infectious diseases in healthcare settings and in the community. The conference typically features presentations, workshops, and discussions on the latest advances in infection prevention and control, as well as strategies for reducing the incidence of healthcare-associated infections.
The 3rd Infection Control Update conference will include:
- Best practices in infection control
- Innovative approaches to reducing the transmission of infectious diseases
- Strategies for improving quality of care and patient safety and reducing healthcare-associated infections
- Emerging infectious diseases and their impact on public health
- The role of healthcare workers in infection control and prevention
- The use of technology to improve infection control practices
- Legal and ethical issues related to antimicrobials utilization.


By the end of the conference, the attendees will be able to:
- Define the role of healthcare providers in infection control and emerging infections.
- Describe the process of identifying and monitoring new or re-emerging infectious diseases
- Discuss the latest research and guidelines on infection control and apply it to real-world scenarios
- Develop evidence-based prevention strategies and infection control practices
- Explain the principles of antimicrobial stewardship and how they can be applied in their own practice to reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance and improve patient outcomes.
- Identify the benefits and limitations of Rapid Molecular Testing in infection control
- Identify resistant strains of bacteria and rationalize the use of antibiotics

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راجع سياسات التسجيل والإلغاء والمبالغ المستردة

معلومات الاتصال

المنظم : Virtual Medical Academy
الهاتف : 920008161
الايميل : [email protected]

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  • السبت  2  سبتمبر  2023    الى    الإثنين  4  سبتمبر  2023
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  • SCFHS 6 CME hour
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  • 234
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