VMA is presenting to you a valuable package for Pediatricians, which consist of:
9th Pediatric Intensive Review Course
3rd Virtual International Pediatric Conference (VIPCo)
You can review your knowledge for the final Pediatrics MCQ Exam in the course, and update your expertise in the 3rd VIPCo for a discounted price.
By the end of the 9th Pediatric Intensive Review Course, you will be able to:
1- Familiarize yourself with the Saudi Board Exam Style before applying
2- Analyze the multiple-choice questions to reach the correct answer
3- Identify the common areas and topics that the questions elicit
4- Determine the common topics of slides that may come in the exam
By the end of the 3rd Virtual International Pediatric Conference, learners will be able to:
- Highlight the importance of the emergence of Complex Care Pediatrics
- Recognize the common complexities in children and how to approach them
- Define adolescent medicine and their common issues and how to implement a proper transition of care
- Identify special groups in the pediatrics group and their appropriate management
- Identify the effects of social environment and the community on children's lives
Full Course