Thank you for joining us in the "Communications Skill Course". Please introduce yourself and why did you enroll in this course?
My name is Wafa Alduais
I took this course to improve my communication skills and help understand patients needs from different perspectives
I am student in Qassim university I take this course to improve my communication skills and how I deal with people in my life and when I talk and lesson for them thank you .
My name is Ali Alrowijhi I am student in Qassim university section of health information in final semester I take this course to improve my communication skills and how I deal with people in my life and when I talk and lesson for them .
I chose this course to improve my communication skills to deal with patient and physicians also the staff of hospital and in my life with family and friends
Hi my name is Ali Alrowijhi I am health informatics specialist I study in Qassim university in final year the reason I chose this course to improve my communication skills to deal with patient and physicians also the staff of hospital and in my life with family and friends
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اسمي ريهام , تخصص طب بشري وجراحة
دخلت في دورة مهارات التواصل , لأحسن من فعالية التواصل عندي مع المرضى ومع زملائي في العمل
شاكرة لكم جهودكم ..
as salmu alaykum
My name is Reham, specializing in medicine and surgery
I took a communication skills course to improve the effectiveness of my communication with my patients and colleagues at work
Thank you ..