First Annual Meeting of the Saudi Toxicology Society

Schedule First Annual Meeting of the Saudi Toxicology Society

First Annual Meeting of the Saudi Toxicology Society | 1st Day

03 / 07 /2021
Toxicology at A Glance
Prof. Saeed Alghamdi
03/ 07 /2021
The Epidemiology of Poisoning
Dr. Islam Gamaleldin
03/ 07 /2021
Substance of Abuse Overdose: The New Toxicologic Epidemic
Dr. Islam Gamaleldin
03/ 07 /2021
Knowledge, Attitudes and Use of Anabolic Steroids Among Male Gym Users in Riyadh
Dr. Islam Gamaleldin
03/ 07 /2021
TDM of Anticoagulants
TDM of Vancomycin and Aminoglycosides
Dr. Abdullah Alhifany
03/ 07 /2021
Researches of Masters of Clinical Toxicology, UQU and STS (4 sessions)
Dr.Taher Hashim Almaki
Dr.Ayed Ali Alkatheeri
Dr.Shahd Ezzat Sharaf"

First Annual Meeting of the Saudi Toxicology Society | 2nd Day

04/ 07 /2021
General Approach to a Poisoned Patient Part-1
Dr Sharif Hammad
04/ 07 /2021
Chemical Warfare
Dr. Abdulaziz Aldlgan
04/ 07 /2021
Common Serious Poisoning
Dr Amir Elsddawy
04/ 07 /2021
Toxic or Not
Dr Amir Elsddawy
04/ 07 /2021
Simplifying Applied Toxicology for EMT and Paramedics in Saudi Arabia
Dr Ahmed Shammah
04/ 07 /2021
Toxic Alcohols
Dr. Sanad Abdou
04/ 07 /2021
Samples for Toxicology
Dr. Sanad Abdou
04/ 07 /2021
Role of Lab in Toxicology and Solving Unknown Cases
Dr. Sanad Abdou

First Annual Meeting of the Saudi Toxicology Society | 3rd Day

05/ 07 /2021
"Toxic Plants in Saudi Arabia
Cases and treatment"
Prof. Nahla Ayoub
05/ 07 /2021
Snakes and Scorpions Toxicity
Dr Sharif Hammad
05/ 07 /2021
Hypoglycemics Overdose Toxicity
Dr. Abdullah Alzahrani
05/ 07 /2021
Toxic Coma
Prof. Mohamed Fathi
05/ 07 /2021
Prof. Mohamed Fathi
05/ 07 /2021
Pediatrics Poisoning
Prof. Mohamed Fathi
05/ 07 /2021
Toxic gases
Prof. Mohamed Fathi
05/ 07 /2021
Toxicologic Bradycardia of Beta blockers, Ca channel blockers, and Digoxin.: Management approaches.
Prof. Nahla Ayoub