An informative course on suturing, stitching and most important surgical skills. The course design for trainees anticipating a career in Surgery. The course will cover the followings:
1- Different types of needles, suture and threads.
2- Identify different types of surgical instruments.
3- Learn the techniques and principles of suturing and stitching.
4- Local anesthesia technique and doses.
5- Wound debridement and management
6- Phots and short videos will be added for better understanding.
Don't wait too long, join us and start learning now!
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
1-Have full information about different type of suture and stitching.
2-Enable the audience to suture easily and safely.
3-Learn the most important surgical skills .
4-Correct many misinformation according the most recent guidelines.
5-Avoid the complications associated with surgical procedures.
The course will be online. Many photos and videos will help understanding.
At the end of the course, an exam will be organized.
Full Course
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